Jennifer's Journey

Jennifer's Journey

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday to Jennifer!

Today is Jennifer's birthday! We are celebrating today with a big BBQ with friends, and I took her for a pedicure. Jennifer is progressing well. The skin grafts have taken and the healing process is looking well. Jennifer is struggling emotionally right now. She has had to be so strong an positive for her family, and now the emotions are starting to kick in. She is understandably having some emotionally bad days among good days. She still needs lots of support and love from all of us to get through this tough time. Keep her in your prayers.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Progressing well!

Jennifer is doing well since she has been at home. Her sister Lori came and stayed for a week and was a big help to Jennifer! Jennifer got her bandages changed on Monday and the wound vac taken off. She is getting around better and having less pain. Way to hang in there Jen!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Home at last!

Jennifer arrived home today and is doing pretty well. She was very glad to be sleeping in her own bed. The kids are glad to have her home. Jen still has quite a bit of pain from the skin graft site. Welcome Home Jennifer!
Jen, in the car leaving the hospital, we're outta here!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Jennifer will be able to come home tomorrow, April 20th. She will still have a wound drain on her arm and a nurse coming in twice a week to change the dressing and such. We will just be glad to have her at home, although she will still need plenty of rest and lots of help.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This is a picture of Jennifer's leg after the skin graft. The redness towards her knee is what the rest of her thigh looks like under the gauze. The skin graft has been the worst pain of this whole ordeal. They have had a hard time getting her pain under control. Hang in there Jennifer!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jennifer had a rough night with pain. Her leg where they took the skin grafts is very painful. Jennifer described it as feeling like she is constantly pouring hot water on her leg. Let's pray that they get her pain under control with the medication today so that she can rest comfortably!